Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Feeding kids during kitchen remodel is easy

Yeah. Real easy. You take them to McDonald's... Seriously though. Weather has not been cooperating and after-work swim classes have cut in to the time left over to cook. Though tonight I braved the rain at least to make hot dogs on the grill. Coupled with carrots and dip, apples for desert made a decent meal.

Kitchen is progressing but of course not as fast as we'd like. The new refrigerator is hooked up except for the water line. So, no point in moving food into it since it will have to be moved again. The to-do list is shrinking though.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

cabinets and temporary cooking resignation

Returned home today to the sight of beautiful cabinets! Installation is about half-way done. I'm really excited about coming home tomorrow. If the electrician can come Friday we may actually have an almost working kitchen by the weekend. Sad part for now is that cooking is nonexistent. Argh...